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RAM Mounts Doppel-Saugfusshalterung mit Quick Release Adapter - B-Kugel

125,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand


This double suction cup mount (RAM-B-189-326U) was designed in collaboration with OtterBox Hardline Series for industrial applications. This kit Includes B-size RAM® Twist-Lock™ double suction cup base, medium length socket arm, and a RAM® EZY-Mount™ Quick Release Adapter for OtterBox Hardline Series. With the quick release tab, simply push the tab to dismount the tablet without having to adjust the mount itself. The double suction cup base consists of two 3.3" diameter RAM® Twist-Lock™ suction cups connected to a metal plate and B-size AMPS ball base for twice the amount of holding power than the single suction cup. Suction size - (2) 3.3" Diameter Bases, Total Width 7.95" Socket to socket length - 3" Hole pattern - 2-Hole AMPS 1.912" Ball size - B Size (1") Weight capacity - Standard Use 2 lbs, Heavy-Duty Use 1 lb Material(s) - Marine-grade aluminum, High strength composite

Kugelgröße: B-Kugel (1 Zoll bis 0.9 kg)

Lochmaske: AMPS 2-Loch

Montage: Saugfuss

UPC: 793442016950